Badan Informasi Geospasial
- Implementation for Trend Micro Enterprise Security and Data Protection Suite
- Implementation for Nessus Professional
- Implementation for Splunk – Log Management
- Implementation for Schneider – Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)
- Implementation for Lenovo Server and Hyper Converged Infrastructure
- Implementation for VMWare Virtualization
- Implementation for Trend Micro Enterprise Server Invent
- Implementation for Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Plus
- Provided Microsoft Windows Server Enterprise Data Center, Office STD and Office Professional
- Provided Lenovo Desktop and Notebook
- Maintenance for CISCO Anti-Spam
- Distributed and Implementation of Equipment of Data Center to USU, UNSRI, Halu Oleo University, Udayana University, UNSRAT, Gorontalo University, Lambung Mangkurat University, and Hasanuddin University
Millenium Challenge Account Indonesia
- Distributed Lenovo Notebook, Workstation Desktop PC, Mini PC, UPS, Printer, Handheld GPS,
and Generator to Padang Pontianak, Samarinda, Kota Tarakan, Mataram, Dharmasraya, Pasir
Selatan, Solok Selatan, Jambi, Tebo, Lombok Barat, Sumbawa Barat, Sintang, Kapuas Hulu,
Mahakam Ulu, Berau, Malinau, Sumba Barat, Sumba Barat Daya, Sumbah Tengah, Sumba Timur,
Kupang, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Timur, Lombok Utara, Bulungan and Sintang - Implementation for Server, NAS Storage, Switch hub, Wireless Router and Plotter A0 to Padang
Pontianak, Samarinda, Kota Tarakan, Mataram, Dharmasraya, Pasir Selatan, Solok Selatan, Jambi,
Tebo, Lombok Barat, Sumbawa Barat, Sintang, Kapuas Hulu, Mahakam Ulu, Berau, Malinau,
Sumba Barat, Sumba Barat Daya, Sumbah Tengah, Sumba Timur, Kupang, Lombok Tengah,
Lombok Timur, Lombok Utara, Bulungan and Sintang
- Implementation and Maintenance for NGFW
- Implementation and Maintenance for Email Security
- Implementation and Maintenance for Log Management
- Implementation and Maintenance for SD-WAN
- Implementation and Maintenance for Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- Implementation and Maintenance RedHat Enterprise
- Implementation Lenovo Server and IBM Storage
- Provided DELL Desktop and Notebook
- Implementation for F5 Sigle Sign On and Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- Provided VMware Virtualization and Veeam Enterprise Back up
- Implementation for Server and Storage
Experiences in Government and
State-Owned Enterprise Indonesia.
Experiences in
Private Company Indonesia.
Ruko Tamarin Blok F
Jalan Asem II no 10
Cipete – Jakarta Selatan
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